Conference: 33rd Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics

Sveučilište u Rijeci sa zadovoljstvom obavještava sve zainteresirane kolegice i kolege da su Filozofski fakultet i Fakultet za matematiku, te Odsjek za filozofiju, Katedra za logiku i teoriju znanosti i Centar za logiku i teoriju odlučivanja domaćini 33. međunarodne konferencije Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics koja će se održati na Filozofskom fakultetu od 15 do 16. rujna 2023.

Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics je ugledna međunarodna konferencija sa tradicijom dužom od trideset godina. Primarno je usmjerena na doktorande, postdoktorande i mlade istraživače u oblasti povijesti, filozofije i zasnivanja matematike i srodnim disciplinama. Novembertagung svake godine pruža priliku mladim znanstvenicima da predstave i prodiskutiraju svoje ideje i rezultate svojih istraživanja u poticajnom i neformalnom okruženju, podjele svoja iskustva i dobiju savjete od već iskusnih i etabliranih stručnjaka, te da izgrade mrežu poznanstava sa kolegama iz čitave Evrope i, u posljednjih nekoliko godina, iz svijeta (Kanade i SAD). Više o povijesti Novembertagunga vidjeti ovdje:

Ove godine, tema konferencije je „Interactions between the History and Philosophy of Mathematics“, s posebnim fokusom na metodološka pitanja i pojmove matematičke strogosti, dokaza i algoritma.

Plenarna predavanja održati će:
Prof. Zvonimir Šikić (University of Zagreb & University of Rijeka Centre for Logic and Decision Theory),
Prof. Karine Chemla (CNRS – SPHERE, Université Paris Cité),
Prof. Georg Schiemer (University of Vienna, LMU Centre for Mathematical Philosophy),
Prof. Silvia De Toffoli (IUSS Pavia).

Novembertagung je ove godine velikodušno sponzoriran od strane Međunarodne komisije za povijest matematike (ICHM, Njemačka), Britanskog društva za povijest matematike (BSHM, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo), Istraživačke grupe 3398 „Povijest matematike“ pri Francuskom nacionalnom centru za znanstvena istraživanja (CNRS–GDR 3398 HistMath) i Arhiva Henri Poincaré (Francuska). Konferenciju također podržavaju Hrvatsko društvo za analitičku filozofiju (HDAF) i Hrvatsko logičko udruženje (HLU).

Za više informacija o programu konferencije i za knjigu apstrakata izlaganja, posjetite službenu internet stranicu

Organizacijski odbor: Saša Popović (Rijeka), Megan Briers (Cambridge), Hala Khassiba (Lorraine), Tuya Sa (Loughborough), Ange Stéphane Gondo (Lorraine), Clément Bonvoisin (Paris), and Benjamin Zayton (Vienna).

Announcement: The first annual Pharos Philosophy Symposium

The first annual Pharos Philosophy Symposium will start on 28th April 2023 at 18.00 in the Stari Grad Museum, Stari Grad, on the island Hvar, Croatia. The topic is: Utopia, Past, Present, and Future. 

Hrvoje Jurić, Gorazd Kocijančič, Karel Gržan, Ernest Ženko, and others will be participating in an open dialogue to discuss Utopian visions with contemporaries and students. Croatian TV and social media platforms may be present at the event. There are 30 free seats available for subscribing participants who wish to take part in this lively discourse.

More information is available at

Don’t Make the Same Mistake I Did!

Večeras u 19.00 sati, preko Zooma, Boran Berčić će održat filozofsku minijaturu na temu uzročnog i etičkog razmatranja. Naslov večerašnjeg predavanja je “Nemoj učiniti istu grešku koju sam i ja učinila!” i bavit će se jednim malim, ali važnim filozofskim problemom.

Ukratko, problem se odnosi na situaciju u kojoj djevojka zatrudni sa 16 godina i odluči roditi dijete. Međutim, zbog nedovoljne podrške obitelji i društva, ne uspije ostvariti svoje ciljeve u životu te požali što je rodila dijete tako rano. Kada njezina kći zatrudni u istoj dobi i odluči roditi, majka joj kaže da ne napravi istu grešku koju je ona napravila.

Ovaj problem otvara mnoga pitanja, poput toga je li majčin savjet uvredljiv prema njezinoj kćeri jer implicira da je njezino postojanje greška, ili je li majka u pravu kada savjetuje kćer da razmisli o svojoj odluci. Ovo pitanje uključuje i uzročno-etička razmatranja, usporedbu mogućih svjetova, asimetriju prošlosti i budućnosti u pogledu nepostojanja te tzv. non-identity problem.

Pridružite nam se večeras u 19.00 sati i razmislite zajedno s nama o ovom intrigantnom filozofskom problemu!

Susret je zamišljen kao poluformalni razgovor te će se odviti preko Zooma:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 5387 6242

Passcode: 708682

Join us tonight at 7:00 pm for a philosophical mini-lecture on causal and ethical considerations. Boran Berčić will lead the conversation via Zoom.

This lecture will explore a small but important philosophical problem. It concerns a situation in which a girl becomes pregnant at 16 and decides to give birth. However, due to insufficient support from family and society, she fails to achieve her goals in life and regrets having a child so early. When her daughter becomes pregnant at the same age and decides to give birth, the mother tells her not to make the same mistake she did.

This problem raises many questions, such as whether the mother’s advice is offensive to her daughter, or whether the mother is right in advising her daughter to think about her decision. This question involves causal-ethical considerations, a comparison of possible worlds, the asymmetry of the past and future regarding the non-existence problem.

Join us tonight and think together about this intriguing philosophical problem!

Poziv na godišnju skupštinu HDAF-a / Invitation to the annual assembly of CSAP

Poštovane članice, poštovani članovi Hrvatskog društva za analitičku filozofiju,

pozivamo vas na godišnju skupštinu Hrvatskog društva za analitičku filozofiju koja će se održati iduću srijedu, 25. siječnja 2023. u 13.00h u prostoriji 401 na Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci, Sveučilišna avenija 4, 51000 Rijeka. Oni koji nisu u mogućnosti osobno doći, u radu skupštine mogu sudjelovati putem online platforme Zoom. Poveznica za pristup sastanku je:

Meeting ID: 825 1647 6747
Passcode: 3sU2xn

Dear members of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy,

we invite you to the annual assembly of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy, which will be held next Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. in room 401 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Sveučilišna avenija 4, 51000 Rijeka.

Those who are not able to come in person can participate in the work of the assembly through the Zoom online platform. The link to access the meeting is:

Meeting ID: 825 1647 6747
Passcode: 3sU2xn


The Aestetic Division at the Department of Philosophy, University of Rijeka and the Croatia Society for Analytic Philosophy, in collaboration with the Center for Language Research, invite you to discussion group Poetry in Translation with Bronislava Volkova and Davor Grgurić on Friday, January 20th 2023., 10:15 – 12:00, room 401, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rijeka.

Bronislava Volková is an exile poet, who left Czechoslovakia in 1974 and lived over 40 years in the USA, where she became a Full Professor in the Slavic Department of Indiana University, Bloomington. She started publishing poetry ten years later at PmD (Poetry Abroad) in Munich, West Germany and in a number of journals in various languages all over the world. A selection from these poems appeared in Votobia, Olomouc, Czech Republic in 1995 under the title Roztříštěné světy (Shattered Worlds). In English, her selected poems appeared in Sheep Meadow Press, New York 1993 under the title Courage of the Rainbow. Her poetry is reflective, existential and growing its metaphysical dimension. She has also translated many Czech poets into English and Slavic poets into Czech. Her bilingual anthology of 20th century Czech poetry appeared under the title Po hřbetě ďábla/Up the Devil’s Back in Slavica Publishers v Bloomington 2008. Apart from poetry, she publishes stories and essays on the topic of exile, which are also translated into various languages. In addition to her poetry and academic work, professor Volkova is also an accomplished visual artist. Details about her life and work are available at    

Davor Grgurić is a Croatian poet, writer, translator, journalist and editor, and is currently a president of the Rijeka branch of the Croatian Writers’ Association.

During the event, a presentation of the literary journal Književna Rijeka will take place.

Moderator: Iris Vidmar Jovanović

New program in Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rijeka

On behalf of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Rijeka, we would like to inform you and your students about a new Masters programme in Cognitive Sciences that is jointly run by the Departments of Philosophy and Psychology in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia: MSc in Cognitive Sciences – Cognition and the Mind,

At the core of this programme lies a unique integration of psychology and philosophy, complemented by other disciplines within cognitive sciences. Graduates will be ideally placed to continue their professional journey in academia or industry and adapt to the ever-changing problems and challenges of the modern world. You can find more about the programme structure at:

The teaching is provided by an interdisciplinary team of lecturers at the University of Rijeka and external collaborators:

The quality of the Masters programme is also guaranteed by an international Advisory Board whose members are at the forefront of their respective fields and changes in academic practice:
Prof. Kristin Andrews – Department of Philosophy, York University, Canada
Prof. José Luis Bermudez – Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, USA
Prof. Chris Chambers – School of Psychology Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Henriëtte Hendriks – Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Amanda Seed – School of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of St. Andrews, UK
Prof. Andreas Nieder – Department of Animal Physiology, University of Tübingen, Germany

The Application Deadline is 24 March 2023, and detailed information about the application process can be found here:

For further information, please contact: or +385 (0)51 265 780.

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