Invitation to Workshop on Conceptual Analysis and Other Philosophical Methods in the Cognitive Sciences and Psychiatry

We are pleased to invite you to the workshop Conceptual Analysis and Other Philosophical Methods in the Cognitive Sciences and Psychiatry, which will take place on Wednesday, 16th of October 2024, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Room 401.

Keynote speaker: Sanja Dembić (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “From conceptual explication to classification: What an ability-based view of mental disorder implies for questions of classification”

This workshop is an outcome of two projects:

  • Philosophical Analysis within Cognitive Science (Grant: uniri-iskusni-human-23-14), funded by the University of Rijeka
  • Project TIPPS (Grant: IP-2022-10-1788), funded by the Croatian Science Foundation

Poziv na predavanje: Eörs Szathmáry “What is Life? An Operational Approach”

Pozivamo Vas na predavanje Eörsa Szathmáryja pod nazivom “What is Life? An Operational Approach” koje će se održati 23.09.2024. u 11:00 sati na Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci, prostorija 401. 

Profesor Eörs Szathmáry evolucijski je biolog zaposlen na Institutu za evoluciju, Centra za ekološka istraživanja u Budimpešti. Član je Mađarske akademije za znanost. Autor je više od 150 članaka, od kojih je nekolicina objavljena u najprestižnim znanstvenim časopisima kao što su Nature i Science. U suradnji s poznatim evolucijskim biologom i genetičarem Johnom Maynardom Smithom, objavio je dvije nezaobilazne knjige u svojem području istraživanja – The Major Transitions in Evolution (Freeman, 1995) i The Origins of Life (Oxford University Press, 1999).

U svom izlaganju “What is Life? An Operational Approach”, profesor Szathmáry će se baviti filozofskim shvaćanjem pojma život i znanstvenim poimanjem živih sustava.

A roundtable and a workshop dedicated to the theme of Art, Culture and Society

The Aesthetics and Epistemology Division at the Department of Philosophy, University of Rijeka, and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy are pleased to invite you to a roundtable and workshop dedicated to the theme of Art, Culture, and Society, featuring Vid Simoniti (University of Liverpool) and Maarten Coëgnarts (University of Antwerp), on Monday, September 2nd, and Tuesday, September 3rd.

The programs can be viewed below:

New issue of the Croatian Journal of Philosophy Dedicated to Nenad Miščević

In the latest issue of the Croatian Journal of Philosophy (, which was founded by Nenad Miščević and where he served as a long-time editor, several papers dedicated to his philosophical work have been published. The papers are available via this link:

In addition to the scholarly papers, three tributes to Nenad are included in the same issue:

Nenad Smokrović: In memoriam Nenad Miščević (1950–2024)

Dunja Jutronić: Farewell to Nenad

Bojan Borstner: A Goodbye to Nenad

Invitation to the 25th CSAP Annual Conference: “Contemporary Philosophical Issues”

Update 07/17/2024

Here you can find the book of abstracts along with practical information regarding the conference Contemporary Philosophical Issues 2024.

We are pleased to invite everyone to the 25th edition of Contemporary Philosophical Issues, organized by the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Rijeka. The conference will take place on the 18th and 19th of July 2024 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. The program of the conference can be accessed here:

Invitation to the Workshop “The Personal and Subpersonal Distinction in Cognitive Science and Psychiatry”

We invite you to join us for TIPPS Workshop 1, focusing on “The Personal and Subpersonal Distinction in Cognitive Science and Psychiatry”. This event will take place on the 19th and 20th of June 2024 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Room 401.

We are pleased to have Matteo Colombo (Tilburg University) as our keynote speaker.

The workshop is an outcome of project TIPPS (IP-2022-10-1788) that is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation.

TIPPS Workshop 1: The Personal and Subpersonal Distinction in Cognitive Science and Psychiatry

Dates: 19th and 20th June 2024
Location: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rijeka, Room 401

The program of the workshop can be seen here:

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