Nova knjiga – Znanje i epistemičko opravdanje (Ibis grafika)


Izašla je nova knjiga Zvonimira Čuljka ”Znanje i epistemičko opravdanje” u izdanju Ibis grafike.

Knjiga “Znanje i epistemičko opravdanje” predstavlja značajno djelo s područja filozofije, jer se u njoj autor bavi jednom od središnjih i tradicionalnih filozofskih disciplina – epistemologijom, koja zauzima važno mjesto, ne samo unutar filozofije, nego i puno šire.

Knjiga se sastoji od pet glavnih dijelova (1. Istinitost, vjerovanje i znanje; 2. Izvori, vrste i područja znanja; 3. Opravdanje i znanje; 4. Znanje i opravdano vjerovanje; 5. Mogućnost znanja), a svaki dio je dalje podijeljen na poglavlja. U njima autor obrađuje cjelokupnu problematiku spoznajne teorije iz najsuvremenije perspektive, vodeći računa o najznačajnijim teorijama i argumentima iz povijesti filozofije. Za više o knjizi vidite ovdje.
Zvonimir Čuljak je redovni profesor na odsjeku za filozofiju na Hrvatskim Studijima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.


European Journal of Analytic Philosophy (EUJAP) – invitation for contributions

European Journal of Analytic Philosophy is an international, peer-refereed journal devoted to the promotion of philosophy mostly by publishing original articles on the topics covered in contemporary philosophy. See the web site here:

EuJAP is open to a broad spectrum of issues and viewpoints ranging from ethics, meta-ethics, applied ethics, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of biology, philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology and philosophy of action. In particular, this journal aims at providing a forum for philosophical exchange among philosophers from diverse fields within the analytic tradition broadly conceived. Articles in history of philosophy are welcome provided that they have relevance for current philosophical debates.

EuJAP is published in English twice a year or continuously when enough papers are received, in printed, as well as in electronic version. See online issues here:

All authors working on issues in analytic philosophy (broadly construed) are invited to submit their papers.

Submitted manuscripts should be (see

prepared for blind refereeing: authors` names and their institutional affiliations should not appear on the manuscript
accompanied by a separate file containing the title of the manuscript, a short abstract (not exceeding 250 words), keywords, academic affiliation and full address for correspondence including e-mail address
in English
no longer than 8000 words, including footnotes and references

Contributions and inquiries should be sent to: