Promotion of Mentalfest

The Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invites everyone to attend the following book promotion:
on Monday 11.10.2016. there will be a book promotion entitled “Moralni, politički i epistemološki odgovori na društvene devijacije“.

The promotion will be held as part of the Mentalfest at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. The promotion starts at 13:20 in room 006.

See the invitation here.

The book can be freely downloaded here.

Invitation to a talk – Personal Identity and Memory modification

The Project Identity and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite everyone to a talk entitled “Personal Identity and Memory modification” by Nada Gligorov.

The talk will be held on Tuesday 28.6.2016. at 2pm.

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, room 401.

Nada Gligorov is associate professor of Medical Education in Ichan School at Mount Sinai (New York).

Invitation to a workshop on psychopathy

The CEASCRO project and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite you to the IV. CEASCRO workshop entitled “Psychopathy: scientific advancements and philosophical interpretations”

Invited speakers are psychopathy experts Luna Centifanti (University of Durham) and Janko Međedović (University of Belgrade).

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, 20.6.2016.
Room: 401

The workshop starts at 10 am (see the programme here)

Invitation to a talk – Kinds of Biological Individuals: Projectibility, Analogy, and Selection

The Identity project and Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite you to a talk entitled “Kinds of Biological Individuals: Projectibility, Analogy, and Selection” by James DiFrisco from Konrad Lorenz Institute.

Talk will be held on Thursday 2.6.2016. at 12:15

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, room 401.

See the invitation and the abstract of the talk Here

Invitation to Rijeka’s annual philosophy conference

The Department of philosophy in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite everyone to the 18th edition of Rijeka’s international conference: “Contemporary Philosophical Issues” Society, Agency and Knowledge”

See the programme here.

The conference will be held on 24th – 25th of May 2016.

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka (4th floor), Sveucilisna avenija 4, 51000 Rijeka (Croatia).

Invitation to a Conference: Criminal responsibility and the social response to deviance

The Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite you to a two day symposium: “Invitation to a Conference: Criminal responsibility and the social response to deviance”.
The symposium will be held on Monday, 09.05.2016. and Tuesday 10.05.2016. at 10:00.

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Sveučilišna avenija 4, 51000 Rijeka.
Room 402 (4. floor)

See the programme here.

IUC – Beyond Contractarianism

The Interuniversity Center Dubrovnik organizes a critical course on contractarian philosophical views (broadly construed to include public reason).

Course organizers:

Piers Norris Turner, Ohio State University, United States

Boran Berčić, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Nenad Miščević, University of Maribor, Croatia

Eric MacGilvray, Ohio State University, United States

For more information and the list of participants see click on the link below

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