Dear members of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy,
in the meeting held on January 25, 2023., a new decision concerning membership fee was adopted. It was agreed upon that employed members should pay €15 while students and unemployed members pay €6 for the annual fee.
We take this opportunity to invite all members to make the membership payment.
Membership payment details:
Name of the receiver: Hrvatsko društvo za analitičku filozofije (Eng. Croatian
Society for Analytic Philosophy)
IBAN: HR1324020061101107904
Reference number: 00-payer’s OIB (social security number) or date of payment
Bank: Erste&Steiermärkische Bank
Address: 51000 Rijeka, Jadranski trg 3a
CSAP OIB: 28219466040
IBAN: HR1324020061101107904
QRcode for payment (use 00 for model payment)

CSAP employed members fee € 15

CSAP employed members fee €6
With kind regards,
the Steering committee of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy