Membership payment details

Dear members of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy,

in the meeting held on January 25, 2023., a new decision concerning membership fee was adopted. It was agreed upon that employed members should pay €15 while students and unemployed members pay €6 for the annual fee.
We take this opportunity to invite all members to make the membership payment.

Membership payment details:

Name of the receiver: Hrvatsko društvo za analitičku filozofije (Eng. Croatian
Society for Analytic Philosophy)
IBAN: HR1324020061101107904
Reference number: 00-payer’s OIB (social security number) or date of payment

Bank: Erste&Steiermärkische Bank

Address: 51000 Rijeka, Jadranski trg 3a


CSAP OIB: 28219466040

IBAN: HR1324020061101107904

QRcode for payment (use 00 for model payment)

CSAP employed members fee € 15

CSAP employed members fee €6

With kind regards,

the Steering committee of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy


Faculty members of the Department of philosophy in the Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb on 6.2.2017. sent an open letter to the Head of the Croatian Studies and Scientific and teaching board of the Croatian Studies. In the letter they direct attention to the problems they are facing in their work, which they have not been able to solve through the standard bodies of their institution, because of which they are now addressing the expert community and public in general. Many Department teachers are our members. Thus, we as a professional philosophical association, support their endeavors and convey their letter.
The letter can be read here (in Croatian).

Invitation to a meeting

The steering committee of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invites all members to participate in a meeting which will be held on Thursday, 9.2.2017., at 12:00, at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka.

The official call can be read here.

The suggested agenda of the meeting:
– Report on the Financial plan for 2016. and the suggested Financial plan for 2017.
– Plans for the organization of the presentation of Nenad Smokrović’s recently published book ,,Science and the Method”
– Support to the Department of Philosophy in the former Center for Croatian Studies of the University in Zagreb
– Miscellaneous

Publication of a new book: Science and the method

We are happy to announce the publication of Nenad Smokrović’s book “Znanost i metoda” (Eng. “Science and the Method”).
The book is published by KruZak

Nenad Smokrović is a full professor in the Department of philosophy and Faculty of Economics at the University of Rijeka. He is also a long-term member of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy.
His fields of interest are philosophy of logic, theories of rationality, and the methodology of scientific research.

In the book, Smokrović discusses issues related to the methodology of scientific research. The primary aim is not to state and describe specific methods how to conduct research in a scientific field. Rather, the aim is to explain the nature of scientific research, the relationship between theory and reality, and to make salient the criteria common to all sciences, but also to indicate peculiarities pertaining to specific scientific fields. The special focus is on the field of economical studies to which the insights drawn form a more general level are applied. (Taken from Kruzak)

Invitation to two talks by Gorand Kardaš

The Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy and the Deprtament of Philosophy in the Facutly of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka invite everyone to attend two talks by professor Goran Kardaš (Univesity of Zagreb) about Indian philosophy.
See the invitation here.

The talk entitled “The problem of meaning in Indian philosophy” will take place on Wednesday, 14.12.2016. at 14:00, room 401.

Second talk, entitled “Language and cognition in Indian philosophy” will take place on Thursday, 15.12.2016. at 12:00, room 406.

For both events, the venue is Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, fourth floor.

Announcement – Jurjako – doctoral thesis defense

The defense of the doctoral thesis entitled “Reasons: A Naturalistic Explanation” at the postgraduate doctoral programme “Philosophy and Contemporaneity” (University of Rijeka) of the candidate Marko Jurjako will be held on 31. 10. 2016. starting at 16.30, room 106, in front of the committee: full professor Boran Berčić, full professor Nenad Miščević, and assistant professor Matej Sušnik.

See the thesis in pdf here.

A hard copy of Jurjako’s doctoral thesis can be find in the secretary office of the doctoral program “Philosophy and Contemporaneity”, Facutly of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, room F-426, secretary doc. dr. sc. Ana Gavran-Miloš
Venue: Sveučilišna avenija 4, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia.

Promotion of Mentalfest

The Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invites everyone to attend the following book promotion:
on Monday 11.10.2016. there will be a book promotion entitled “Moralni, politički i epistemološki odgovori na društvene devijacije“.

The promotion will be held as part of the Mentalfest at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. The promotion starts at 13:20 in room 006.

See the invitation here.

The book can be freely downloaded here.

Invitation to a talk – Personal Identity and Memory modification

The Project Identity and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite everyone to a talk entitled “Personal Identity and Memory modification” by Nada Gligorov.

The talk will be held on Tuesday 28.6.2016. at 2pm.

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, room 401.

Nada Gligorov is associate professor of Medical Education in Ichan School at Mount Sinai (New York).

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