Summer school in philosophy of physics in Split

From 16th to 21th of July there will be a summer school in philosophy of physics at the University of Split. This year the topic is The Chimera of Entropy.
The summer school is organized by: Tim Maudlin (Department of Philosophy, New York University), Franjo Sokolić (Department of Physics, University of Split), Christian Wüthrich (Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva)

For more information, click on the following links:

Announcement: lectures by Michael Devitt in Maribor

On behalf of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Maribor, we invite you to a series of lectures by professor Michael Devitt (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
The lectures entitled “Overlooking Conventions: The Trouble with Linguistic Pragmatism” will be held in Maribor from 3rd to 11th May 2018.

At the same Department on 9-10th May 2018 there will be a two day conference entitled “Devitt’s 80th” dedicated to Devitt’s philosophical work.

Invitation and the schedule of lectures can be seen here.

Extended call for papers ESPP 2018 Rijeka

Call for papers:

The Society invites submitted symposia, papers and posters for this meeting. Submissions are refereed and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to psychologists, philosophers and linguists.

Symposia are allocated a two-hour slot and consist of a set of linked papers on a common theme. Symposia should typically include perspectives from at least two different disciplines (e.g., philosophy and linguistics). Symposia organizers should submit an outline of the symposium along with a list of speakers and abstracts as a single document. Please do not submit more than one PDF file per symposium.

Papers should not exceed a length of 20 minutes (about 8 double-spaced pages) for a total 30 minutes session. Submissions may consist of a 500-word abstract, though in the case of philosophical submissions a full paper is preferred.

A submission for a poster presentation should consist of a 500-word abstract.

When submitting your paper or poster online, please first indicate the primary discipline of your paper (philosophy, psychology, or linguistics) and whether your submission is intended as a paper or a poster.

Submitted papers may also be considered for presentation as a poster if space constraints prevent acceptance as a paper or if the submission is thought more suitable for presentation as a poster. If you would like us to consider your paper also as a poster in this way, please select the relevant ‘paper or poster’ option.

All paper and poster submissions (whether abstracts or full papers) should be in .doc or PDF-format and should be properly anonymized in order to allow for blind refereeing.

The deadline for all submissions has been extended to April 15th (midnight, GMT), 2018.

Submissions should be made online via Easychair:

If you have any questions, contact us by writing an email to:

26th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP)
University of Rijeka, Croatia 10th-13th September 2018.

Keynote Speakers:

Robyn Carston (Linguistics, UCL and President of the ESPP)
José Luis Bermúdez (Philosophy, Texas A&M)
Michael Graziano (Psychology, Princeton)
L. A. Paul (Philosophy, UNC Chapel Hill/St Andrews)

Invited Symposia:
Polysemy (Organizer: Ingrid Lossius Falkum; CSMN, Oslo)
Speakers: Ekaterini Klepousniotou (Leeds); Louise McNally (Universitat Pompeu Fabra); Francois Recanati (IJN, Paris)

Normative and descriptive approaches to human reasoning (Organizer: Shira Elqayam; Psychology, De Montfort)
Speakers: Niels Skovgaard Olsen, (University of Göttingen); Gerhard Schurz, (Düsseldorf University); Michaela Wänke, (Manheim University)

The evolution of consciousness (Organizer: Liz Irvine; Philosophy, Cardiff)
Speakers: Jonathan Birch (LSE); Janicke Nordgreen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences); Clint Perry (Queen Mary, London)

Experience, decisions, and the self (Organizer: Kristina Musholt; Philosophy, Leipzig)
Speakers: TBA


Invitation to a book promotion “Scepticism and everyday life”

We invite you to a book promotion Scepticism and everyday life (Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2017) by professor Filip Grgić (Institute of Philsoophy, Zagreb).

The promotion will take place on Thursday 5.4.2018. at 19.00h,
Place: Antikvarijat Ex Libris, Riva Boduli 3b, Rijeka, 51000, Croatia.

(1) The author;
(2) Boran Berčić, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka;
(3) Ana Gavran-Miloš, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka.

Call for aplications to the conference CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN PHILOSOPHY Rijeka 2018

The Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy and the Department of philosophy (University of Rijeka) invite you to the Philosophy Conference CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN PHILOSOPHY.
The conference will be held at the at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Thursday and Friday, April 19 and 20 2018.

The official language of the conference is English.

Please, send us titles and abstracts of your presentations by April 7.
The participation and attendance is free.

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