Notification about the death of professor Žarnić
We regret to inform our colleagues, friends, and acquaintances about the sudden and unexpected departure of professor Berislav Žarnić.
Professor Žarnić (born 1959) was one of the leading Croatian logicians and a member of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy since it was founded in the year 2000. He was a full professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. During his career, he thought undergraduate and graduate courses in different areas of logic at the University of Rijeka and University of Zagreb. He was also a visiting fellow at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation in the University of Amsterdam. In addition to being a logician, he was a passionate educator and philosopher of pedagogy. His personal web page can be seen here.
Berislave, dear professor, friend, and colleague, you will be greatly missed.