Notification about the death of professor Žarnić

We regret to inform our colleagues, friends, and acquaintances about the sudden and unexpected departure of professor Berislav Žarnić.

Professor Žarnić (born 1959) was one of the leading Croatian logicians and a member of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy since it was founded in the year 2000. He was a full professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. During his career, he thought undergraduate and graduate courses in different areas of logic at the University of Rijeka and University of Zagreb. He was also a visiting fellow at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation in the University of Amsterdam. In addition to being a logician, he was a passionate educator and philosopher of pedagogy. His personal web page can be seen here.

Berislave, dear professor, friend, and colleague, you will be greatly missed.

Invitation to a series of lectures by professor José Bermúdez

The doctoral programme “Philosophy and Contemporaneity” and the Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka invites you to a series of lectures by professor José Luis Bermúdez.

Professor Bermúdez (Texas A & M University) will deliver a series of 5 tele-lectures (via Skype) on his recent book:
Understanding “I”, Oxford University Press, 2017.

The lectures will be delivered on the 25., 26., 27., 29., 30. of May 2017 at 16:00 at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sveučilišna avenija 4, 51000 Rijeka.
For the detailed programme of lectures and their venues, please see here.

Call for papers – conference “Politics and Morality”

The Institute of Philosophy (Zagreb, Croatia) invites submissions for a two-day conference entitled “Politics and morality”.
Plenary lectures will be given by professor Giuseppe Girgenti (Milano), professor Christoph Horn (Bonn), and professor Neven Sesardić (Zagreb).

The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2017.
The conference will be held on 18-19 October 2017 at the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb.

See the official call for papers here.
The application form can be downloaded here.

Invitation to a talk by Emiliano Loria

The Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy is inviting you to a talk by Emiliano Loria. The title of the talk is “Teleological reasoning in infancy”.

See the invitation here.

Abstract of the talk

Emiliano Loria is a PhD Student at Consortium FINO, University of Turin and University of Genoa (Italy).

The event will take place on 25.4.2017. at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, room 106, at 14:15.
The venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka.

The handout for the talk can be downloaded here.

Invitation to a mini conference

The Croatian Society of Analytic Philosophy invites you to a mini conference with Michael Devitt
The topic of the conference will be Linguistic intuitions and natural kinds

See the invitation and conference schedule here.

The conference will be held on Saturday 22.04.2017. at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, room 406 (fourth floor).

Letter of support for the Central European Society

The members of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy want to express their solidarity with the Central European University and express their concern regarding Bill T/14686 amending Act CCIV of 2011 on national higher education accepted by the Hungarian Parliament on April 4, 2017. The Bill renders CEU’s continued operations in Budapest virtually impossible and strikes a severe blow against the academic freedom that enables all universities, including those in Hungary, to flourish.

The letter of support can be read here.

Invitation to a talk by Marco Viola

The Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy is inviting everyone to attend the talk by Marco Viola Title of the talk “Saving one-to-one mapping in Cognitive Neuroscience: the problem of Multiple Realization”
Marco Viola is a PhD student at the Center for Neurocognition and Theoretical Syntax, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia (Italy).

See the invitation here.

The talk will take place on 12.4.2017. at 14:15, room 450.

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka.

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