Invitation to a lecture by professor Filip Grgić

The Department of Philosophy (University of Rijeka) and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy are pleased to invite you to a lecture entitled “Deliberation, Investigation, and the Assumption of Openness” by professor Filip Grgić (Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb).
See the invitation here.
The lecture will take place on Thursday 12.10.2017. at 12:00, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, room 450, 4th floor.

Invitation to a talk by Arto Mutanen

The Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy and the Department of philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka invite you to a talk by professor Arto Mutanen (Finnish National Defence University, Finnish Naval Academy, Helsinki Finnland) entitled “Philosophy of War”.
The talk will be held on Wednesday 27.09.2017. from 12 till 13,30 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Sveučilišna avenija 4, room 401 (4. floor).

See the invitation here.

A lecture and a workshop with Paul Gilbert

The Department of Philosophy (University of Rijeka) and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy are pleased to invite you to a lecture and a workshop with Paul Gilbert.

The title of professor Gilbert’s talk is “Deathbed Regrets (With examples from English poetry)”.
The talk will be followed by a workshop that is dedicated to themes from Gilbert and colleagues’ book “Metaphilosophy

See the invitation here.

The lecture and workshop will take place on Thursday 14.9.2017, at the Facutly of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, room 401.

Collection “Perspectives on the Self” is published

2017. August

Cover: Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik

Berčić, B. (ed.) Perspectives on the Self. University of Rijeka 2017.

Can we upload ourselves to computers? Are our iPhones and Notebooks parts of us? Why is Know thyself! still a good advice? What did the logical positivists think about the Cogito? Why did the Buddha argued that the self does not exist? Did the Ancients have a notion of subjectivity? What does it mean to put oneself in someone else’s shoes? Should we feel sorry for those who have never been born? In what sense does Emma Bovary exist? What counts as a good answer to the question “Who am I?”

In this collection of articles an international team of seventeen authors raise and answer these and many other interesting questions about the self and related matters.

Read more

Notification about the death of professor Žarnić

We regret to inform our colleagues, friends, and acquaintances about the sudden and unexpected departure of professor Berislav Žarnić.

Professor Žarnić (born 1959) was one of the leading Croatian logicians and a member of the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy since it was founded in the year 2000. He was a full professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. During his career, he thought undergraduate and graduate courses in different areas of logic at the University of Rijeka and University of Zagreb. He was also a visiting fellow at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation in the University of Amsterdam. In addition to being a logician, he was a passionate educator and philosopher of pedagogy. His personal web page can be seen here.

Berislave, dear professor, friend, and colleague, you will be greatly missed.

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