IUC – Beyond Contractarianism

The Interuniversity Center Dubrovnik organizes a critical course on contractarian philosophical views (broadly construed to include public reason).

Course organizers:

Piers Norris Turner, Ohio State University, United States

Boran Berčić, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Nenad Miščević, University of Maribor, Croatia

Eric MacGilvray, Ohio State University, United States

For more information and the list of participants see click on the link below


Who can teach philosophy in Croatia?

Kao strukovna udruga filozofa uputili smo primjedbe na Nacrt pravilnika o odgovarajućoj vrsti obrazovanja učitelja, nastavnika, odgajatelja i stručnih suradnika u školskoj ustanovi i učeničkom domu.
Odluku da se upute primjedbe i reagira dopisom donio je Upravni odbor. Primjedbe smo uputili u redovnu proceduru javne rasprave koja se odvija na Središnjem državnom portalu e-Savjetovanja

Zbog važnosti same stvari primjedbe smo uputili u obliku dopisa Ministru znanosti obrazovanja i sporta i Ravnateljici Agencije za odgoj i obrazovanje. Ovdje je tekst dopisa.
Pozivamo članove da, po vlastitoj procjeni, i individualno reagiraju na nacrt pravilnika u okviru javne rasprave.

Thought Experiments between Nature and Society: Nenad’s 65

The CSAP invites you to a two-day conference dedicated to the philosophical work of Nenad Miscevic.

The title of the conference is “Thought Experiments between Nature and Society: Nenad’s 65”.

The conference will be held at the Department of philosophy in the Faculty of Arts in Maribor (Slovenia), 24. – 25. 11. 2015.

Tentative program of the conference can be found here.

Invitation to a Round table ”Knowledge and epistemic justification”

The CSAP and the Department of philosophy in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka invite you to a round table discussion ”Knowledge and Epistemic Justification

The meeting will be held on Thursday November 12th 2015. at 12.15 in room 107 (first floor), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sveučilišna avenija 4. The topic of the meeting wil be dedicated to a recent publication of the book ”Knowledge and Epistemic Justification” by Zvonimir Čuljak, professor at the Deparmtnet of philosophy in the Center for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb. Publisher is Ibis-grafika from Zagreb, 2015. Participants of the panel are:

Zvonimir Čuljak: From an externalistic perspective
Snježana Prijić Samaržija: Standard analytic philosophy and new trends
Boran Berčić: “Knowledge and Epistemic Justification“ by Zvonimir Čuljak

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