23rd Rijeka Conference in Philosophy Contemporary Philosophical Issues PROGRAM

The Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the UNIRI project “Critical Thinking and Society” and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite you to the 23rd edition of the international symposium Contemporary Philosophical Issues, which will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 7 and 8 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka (room 401).

The symposium can be attended online via the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3354753799   
The program of the conference is here.

Invitation to the workshop “The ThUMB 2022 Meeting on Functions in Biology and the Biomedical Sciences”

pozivamo vas na znanstveni skup The ThUMB 2022 Meeting on Functions in Biology and the Biomedical Sciences koja će se održati u četvrtak 8. i petak 9. rujna 2022. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci, Sveučilišna avenija 4, predavaonica F-401 (4. kat) prema programu koji se nalazi ovdje.

We invite you to the scientific meeting The ThUMB 2022 Meeting on Functions in Biology and the Biomedical Sciences, which will be held on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 September 2022 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Sveučilišna avenija 4, room F-401 (4. floor) according to the following program.

Poziv na radionicu “Mental disorders, public justification, and values”

Pozivamo vas na radionicu “Mental disorders, public justification, and values” koja će se održati u sklopu ljetne škole “Equality and Citizenship” u periodu od 21. do 22. srpnja 2022. na Filozofskom Fakultetu u Rijeci (prostorija 401). 

Pozvani predavači:

Prof. John McMillan (University of Otago): Epistemic trust, epistemic injustice, and therapy for mental illness 

Prof. Inti Brazil (Radboud University): Reflections on what the application of computational approaches in psychiatry can(not) help with

Program radionice se nalazi ovdje

Poziv na predavanje: Rafe McGregor “Deconstruction, Desire and Reconstruction”

Pozivamo Vas na predavanje Rafea McGregora (Edge Hill University) “Deconstruction, Desire and Reconstruction” koje će se održati u petak, 15. srpnja 2022, u 9:00 sati preko poveznice:
Meeting ID: 875 2340 9468
Passcode: 035540
Poziv se nalazi ovdje.

Workshop: Climate Change Centre Austria, Working Group Climate Justice

We invite you to a workshop on Climate Justice organized by the Climate Change Centre Austria, Working Group Climate Justice, that will take place from July 3 to 5, 2022 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka (room 401).

The program of the workshop can be accessed here.

The workshop is funded by the Climate Change Centre Austria and supported by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka.

Poziv na predavanja o estetskom kogntivizmu/lectures on aesthetic cognitivism

pozivamo vas na radionicu posvećenu estetskom kognitivizmu, na kojoj će predavanja održati David Collins (Sveučilište Oxford) i Kalle Puolakka (Sveučilište Helsinki), u srijedu, 1. lipnja 2022, s početkom u 14 sati, prema programu u privitku. Predavanja se održavaju u sklopu HRZZ projekta

Aesthetic Education through Narrative Art and its Relevance for the Humanities

We invite you to a workshop dedicated to aesthetic cognitivism, where lectures will be given by David Collins (University of Oxford) and Kalle Puolakka (University of Helsinki), on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, starting at 2 pm, according to the attached program. Lectures are held as part of the HRZZ project Aesthetic Education through Narrative Art and its Relevance for Humanities.

Invitation to the lecture Why is the Puzzle of Existence and Reality Becoming Increasingly Complex

Pozivamo Vas na predavanje profesora Nebojše Kujundžića (University of Prince Edward Island, Kanada) pod nazivom Why is the Puzzle of Existence and Reality Becoming Increasingly Complex? koje će se održati u utorak, 7. lipnja 2022. godine u 12,15 sati na Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci, Sveučilišna avenija 4 u učionici F-401 (4. kat).

Poziv se nalazi ovdje

We invite you to a lecture by Professor Nebojsa Kujundzic (University of Prince Edward Island, Canada) entitled Why is the Puzzle of Existence and Reality Becoming Increasingly Complex? which will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 12.15 pm at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Sveucilisna avenija 4 in classroom F-401 (4th floor).

See the call here.

With kind regards,

Promocija knjige “Tetralog, ja imam pravo, ti griješiš”

Obavještavamo Vas da će se 20.05.2022. održati predstavljanje prijevoda knjige Timothy Williamsona ”Tetralog, ja imam pravo, ti griješiš”, u Auli Magni Rektorata Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1. kat, Trg braće Mažuranića 10, Rijeka), s početkom u 14 sati. Izdavač je Tim press, Zagreb. Nakon predstavljanja, autor knjige Timothy Williamson Wykeham Profesor logike na Oxfordu, održat će predavanje Post-truth politics and the idea of truth.

Invitation to the workshop: Literature, Philosophy, and Education

The Aesthetic Division at the Department of Philosophy, University of Rijeka and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite you to a workshop, to be held online, May 17th and in vivo May 20th 2022, as part of the ongoing series of lectures dedicated to aesthetic cognitivism: Literature, Philosophy, and Education, with Mitch Green, Rob Piercey, Karen Simecek, Andrea Selleri, Patrick Fassenbecker, James O. Young and Laurel Marjorie Bowman.  

We also invite you to a discussion on the intellectual rights in the arts with James Young and Ivana Kunda on May 19th.  This event is organized in collaboration with Kulturni front and is part of a series of lectures dedicated to popularization of science Opatija Coffeehouse Debates. More information on both events are available in the program.

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